الأربعاء، 21 مارس 2012

Teck  ,,Teck ..Nock ..Nock
Who is on the door !!!!!!!!
Iam The hope..
but i donnot need u 
u r bullshit and acrap
y!!!!:(no iam not ..
 and iheard u need my help..
Leave me alone  plz and no i donnot need ur help..
Knock Knock .. Teck ..tECK 
IAm the love..
hahahahhahahhahahhahah love!
ieven donnot believe in you 
Just open the door and u will beleive in me ..
No iwillnot just goooo
but every one needs me even animals needs me
well,idonnot wanna waste my time thinking about you .. u break hearts and let people down u r mean and .....
Stop It ,, iwill really goo
Knock ..Knock ,,Teack ..Teck
Hope u left (love) 
No i swear iam not the love iam afemale 
My name is Miss (happiness)
i just caught u smile ..That`s y i came ..
but iam not happy and iwasnot even smile 
iwas yawning.. r u blind!:p
just move and go
Tack it easy iwill go but when u refuse me once inever come again ..
Knock ..knock ..Teck ..
Gr8..iwill break this door isaaaaaa
Hope ..love ..Happiness:Go 2 hell Mr ;Depression 
we will never come back again and 
we hate u 2:p

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